It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the sun to the earth. Octopi have three hearts. Lightning can strike even when it's not raining. The Apollo 11 mission used approximately 64 gb of computing power. Beowulf is the oldest known work of English literature. Oak trees can live for nearly 1,500 years. The largest organisms on earth are mycelial networks. In Utah there is an entire forest made up of one tree. Myths describing a "great flood" show up in numerous mythologies around the world. We know more about the deepest parts of space than we do the deepest parts of the ocean. There's no crying in baseball. If an NHL game goes into a 6th overtime, a second puck is dropped. While knitting can be done by machine, crochet cannot. Sodium reacts explosively when mixed with water, so does potassium. Ammonia and bleach make mustard gas (bad). Carmellization is caused by the maillard reaction, which breaks down certain proteins and enzymes. Pterodactyls are not techinically dinosaurs. There is no definite cladistic definition for "fish".

BREAKING NEWS! Local guy finds out he can make things online

please bear with me while i figure the whole HTML thing out

Hi! My name is Aspen, my pronouns are he/they. I'm hoping to use this site to share my art and my writing once i figure how to do cool things with the html (computer stuff makes me feel like an old man so it may take a while) I will probably also use this as a place to rant about my Opinions™ on various topics such as dolls and the general state of things. I like learning about random facts so there should be (semi)frequent updates to the facts marquee. you can find me on tumblr at Junipers garden and on instagram at @lastticket_home

for your time i will leave you with a small page of doodles

I hope to see folks back here once i have it all nice and pretty, see you then!